题目:Access Structures in Enterprise Wikis
时间:2014.5.28 10:00-11:00
Dr. Karin Haenelt现为德国弗郎霍菲学会研究员,弗郎霍菲学会咨询委员会CIO。德国海德堡大学副教授 Haenelt博士1985年在德国海德堡大学获博士学位。1985年-1987年任职于德国海德堡大学计算语言研究所。1987年-2001年任职于德国国家信息技术研究中心,任自然语言处理研究组负责人。此后任职于德国弗郎霍菲学会,从事自然语言处理。1996年就任海德堡大学计算语言学副教授,2007年起任弗郎霍菲学会咨询委员会CIO。
1. Web应用中的自然语言处理
2. 信息检索、文本挖掘、文本理解和语义建模。
The presentation starts from theoretical considerations on the status of metadata in the process of knowledge communication. Based on an essay of Searle (1980) it views metadata as one possible snapshot on background knowledge determined by a particular state of knowledge and a particular intention of accessing knowledge-amongst a multitude of alternatives. A practical part discusses consequences for applying metadata for accessing the contents of a wiki. It uses an enterprise wiki modeled with Semantic Media Wiki as an example. The present shows methods for defining categories and structured inheritance networks in Semantic Media Wiki. It then compares different methods of using metadata and possible adaptions to changing user perspectives: remodeling of metadata, using text-mining results and context-information. The methods are illustrated by completed and planned extensions to Media Wiki and Semantic Media Wiki.
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